This beUty is counting the days...

Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Daisypath Anniversary tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, August 22, 2010

reaching 8

8 months into pregnancy. i have all the maternity blues.
you name it:
ugly stretch marks especially below my belly and breast area, kaki bengkak, asyik nak pee aje, heavier at the stomach causing back pain, leg cramps, sleepless night since it's hard for me to find my comfortable angle (bantal x sedap la, plus the baby moves around like nobody's business), etc.. to many to list down here

but the best of all,  went you know the baby's moving, you know that the baby is alright. yeah, it can be painful sometimes. one time i think i felt OurJoy! moving her leg from my belly button area and going downwards to the left side of me, at the very edge of the plasenta. punye la i terkejut like gosh, what are you doing in there?! haha. then you can see your belly moving around. when i go to the right, she moves together with me and vice versa.
aaa.. i shall miss this feeling again very soon.

very soon meaning anytime now. that's what the doctor / midwife keep saying. OurJoy! can go out as early as next week, or according to schedule which is within 7weeks time. ok, my bags are ready. maybe just a little bit more baby things to buy. hehe
but i do want OurJoy! to go out right after raya, so that i can still enjoy raya food (rendang, ketupat, lemang, nyam!)

i just had a Braxton Hicks contraction as i'm typing this. adoila. berdenyut2 uterus ku...

what i need now is a prayer that everything will go smoothly. i know that giving birth will be painful (and i don't know if i ever be ready for that). then there's pantang session (again, i don't know if i'm gonna follow the kampung2 rules here), and then there will be breastfeeding session. haha.. should i really looking forward to this? :)

everything will be a new experience for me. having a child. only time will tell when i'm getting children plak. hehe. ok ok.. one at a time.

Doa mudah bersalin dan keselamatan kandungan

Ya Allah ,
peliharalah anakku selama ia berada di dalam kandunganku  dan sihatkanlah dia, Engkaulah yang menyembuhkan , tidak ada penawar melainkan penawar-Mu , penawar yang tidak meninggalkan penyakit.

Ya Allah ,
Engkau perelokkanlah kejadiannya yang sempurna dan tetapkanlah hatinya agar beriman kepada-Mu dan kepada Rasul-Mu.

Ya Allah , zahirkanlah dia ke dunia dengan mudah dan selamat .

Ya Allah anugerahkanlah dia kesihatan yang sempurna , berakal dan bijaksana  , alim dan beramal .

Ya Allah ,
panjangkanlah umurnya dalam ketaatan , sihatkanlah tubuh badannya ,dan indahkanlah akhlaknya , fasihkanlah lidahnya , perelokkanlah suaranya untuk membaca al-Quran dan hadis dengan berkat Nabi Muhamad s.a.w. dan segala puji bagi Allah Tuhan Semesta Alam .

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